Monday, June 12, 2006

New Carnival!

A message from Ron:
I am pleased to announce the initiation of the first International Carnival of Pozitivities, a blog carnival for and by people who are living with HIV/AIDS or their physicians/caregivers. For those not familiar with a blog carnival, it is similar to a roving magazine. People write articles on their own blogs and then submit them to a central location for publication. The host of the carnival changes from month to month and therefore, the location of the "magazine" moves from blog to blog.

The main page for this particular blog carnival is at and includes a link for submitting any articles you might wish to submit and a sign-up sheet for hosting as well. Since I am initiating this carnival, I will also host the first edition at my own blog, in July.

posted by Bora Zivkovic @ 2:38 PM | permalink | (0 comments) | Post a Comment | permalink