Thursday, June 08, 2006
Blogger MeetUp
Just came back from the Chapel Hill/Carrboro Blogger MeetUp in the back room of Open Eye Cafe. It was small but fun, as always.
Who was there? Anton, Brian, Rob, Will R, Josh and myself.
Lots of banter about various topics, from Brian & Ruby's wedding, the BarCampRDU, Chapel Hill Wireless Directory, my impending move to SEED Scienceblogs, about security when online in Wi-Fi hotspot around town, NSA wiretapping, etc.
It has been noted what a strong contingent of North Carolina bloggers are going to be over at SEED. While Dave and Great Munger of Cognitive Daily have been there since the beginning, three more bloggers from the area are joining the tomorrow at noon: Terra Sigillata, Island Of Doubt and me. Perhaps we can all gang up on the others, or at least host an occasional Tar Heel Tavern and aggregate our new blogs on