Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Science News

* Baboons seek "comfort" after deaths in the family:
When a lion killed Sierra the baboon, her mother looked to friends for support.

* Possible "earliest" slave remains found:
Researchers are studying remains of what they say may be some of the earliest slaves brought to the Americas from Africa.

* When déjà vu becomes unbearable:
If you can't watch TV because everything seems to be a repeat -- even the news -- you may have a problem. Scientists are looking into it.

* Can you catch obesity?:
If some researchers are right, you may soon be hearing a surprising piece of advice to avoid obesity: wash your hands.

* Vaccine gives "100%" bird flu protection in animal study:
Mass vaccinations of livestock could help stop the avian flu that is causing global concern, scientists suggest.

posted by Bora Zivkovic @ 7:19 AM | permalink | (0 comments) | Post a Comment | permalink