Wednesday, September 21, 2005

International Blog Lurker's Day!

Hey, I had no idea today is a Blog Lurker Day!!!

So if you are a lurker, i.e., a relatively regular reader of my blog but you have never (OK, almost never works, too, which disqualifies what...four people: Eric M, Eric G, Archy and jonnybutter?) posted a comment here, on this day you are encouraged to take a deep breath, sign in on Blogger and post your first comment on my blog.

Say Hi. Tell me who you are. Do you have a blog? When and how did you find my blog? Where do you live? What posts here do you like the most and keep coming back for more of the same? What posts you just hated?! Tell me more. Thanks.

Update: Hey, some other blogs are doing this - go check out their lurkers' response (as well as those I linked originally above).

posted by Bora Zivkovic @ 4:19 PM | permalink | (9 comments) | Post a Comment | permalink