Monday, August 08, 2005

The Republican War on Science

Chris Mooney's new book, The Republican War on Science, now has its own web-page. From there, you can go to his blog, The Intersection for the latest news about the politics of science, you should join the discussion at the forums, read the reviews, read an excerpt from the first chapter, and of course, buy the book.

See if he is coming to your town for a reading on his tour schedule, and try to organize local to bring him if you can (I will try to find allies to bring him to Raleigh area). You can read about Chris, or check out early blog praise.

I have pre-ordered a copy as soon as it was available. I am looking forward to reading it as soon as it arrives in the mail. Come back here to see the book review onca that happens.

posted by Bora Zivkovic @ 1:32 PM | permalink | (0 comments) | Post a Comment | permalink