Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Countering the Campus Crusade For Christ


In mid-August, the Co-Directors participated in the SSA national convention at
The Ohio State University in Columbus. Student activists from across the nation
attended the well-planned and executed conference. The overall conference theme
was: "Connecting the Secular Movement with Other Communities." Our own topic
focused more on the endeavor to link secular people themselves to each other.

In the PowerPoint presentation ("Connecting the Unconnectables: A Case Study
from The Brights' Network"), we explained to students this endeavor to link up
independent thinkers (who are generally not "joiners" by nature) so they can
press for civic fairness as part of an Internet constituency. Spreading the word
to those of similar bent can help build the constituency. Each constituent is
encouraged to more positively and candidly express naturalistic inclinations and
be assertive about their rights to be acknowledged and able to participate in

If you know a college age student, you may want to guide him/her to: Secular Students (from the Brights-Net)

posted by Bora Zivkovic @ 8:55 AM | permalink | (0 comments) | Post a Comment | permalink