Tuesday, July 26, 2005
CoTV on Pratie Place
The brand new Carnival of the Vanities is up on Pratie Place. I rarely link to CoTV, but this time I will - for two reasons, one selfish, one not.
First, I have an entry there - only the second time I sent something there, I believe.
Second, Pratie Place is a great blog and I WANT you to go there and look around and dig through the archives, bookmark it, blogroll it and put it on your feed. It is an un-political blog full of delicious stories, curious facts and amazing pictures. Melinama and her daughter Melina have a surprise for their readers every day.
Pratie Place is also one of the most visually appealing blogs I have ever seen and that is no mean feat on the basic Blogger platform! Oh, almost forgot, Melinama is one of the few bloggers I have met in person as she is a neighbor, fellow Chapel Hillian and fellow NC blogger, so of course her blog is the best!