Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Blogfriend Promotion

One of the best blogs from the Balkans is Draxblog. I've been reading it quite regularly for the past several months and it has consistently better information and analysis than any other blog from that region I have discovered so far (most are 19-year old MSNSpacers anyway).

There, you will learn about in-fighting between Croatian Gay Men and Croatian Lesbians and about the Croatian Dream as contrasted to the American Dream, I guess.

Drax has been avidly following the Croatian versions of Survivor and Big Brother and has commented on the
official and unofficial responses by Croats to the London bombings.

This one is about my least favourite reporter of all times and this one about a homophobic gaffe.

This is a serious post about the responses of the Church and State in Croatia to Catholic pedophilia.

And there is much, much more. Highly recommended.

posted by Bora Zivkovic @ 12:59 AM | permalink | (1 comments) | Post a Comment | permalink