Thursday, April 28, 2005

This Blog Is Under (Some) (Re)Construction

If you came to this blog within the last 24 hours or so (and not read it on your own feed) you may have noticed some changes. Nothing major - the template is the same - but more subtle things that make this blog look better. The sidebar is now on the side, not on the top and bottom (depending on your computer/operating system/browser combination, of course), the PBA aggregator has been moved to the Archives, and the number of posts on the front page has been reduced from "past month" to "last 10 posts". This should make the blog look neater, as well as make it faster to load. You may have to use the Archives more, but that is made easier by placing "Archives by Date" and "Archives by Category" right on top. For older posts, use Categories, for more recent posts, search the March and April archives, as I have been slacking on updating the categories - this computer makes everything harder to do.

Anyway, I have not made these changes on my own. I went to the Chapel Hill Blogger MeetUp last night and, for a little while before other people showed up, Anton helped me with the template. So, if you like the changes, thank Anton. More changes are in the planning - updating my sidebar and blogroll, updating archives, and, unfortunately, I will have to add some ads (blogads, perhaps Amazon, perhaps PayPal tip-jar) pretty soon. Also, Justin is moving to California in about a week, and he gave me his old iMac that I'll play with and see if it will perform better than this POS I am using right now. So, thanks Justin.

Once I learn by messing with this blog, I will apply my newly-acquired skills to fixing Circadiana, giving it a brand new look and making it look really spiffy. I will appreciate feedback about the whole endeavor.o

posted by Bora Zivkovic @ 10:59 PM | permalink | (2 comments) | Post a Comment | permalink