Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Generation Engage

SAT 4/23. 5:45 - 8pm. Generation Engage to host NC inaugural event with Cate Edwards and Chelsea Clinton.

Kings Barcade, 424 S. McDowell St., Raleigh. 919-831-1005

A new non-profit(501(c)3 )organization based in DC will be hosting its inaugural meeting in Raleigh. Live music and BBQ will be provided at no cost, and all are welcome. Generation Engage's goal is to keep younger voters active in political discussions and the political process.

Members of North Carolina's General Assembly, Mayor Meeker, Cate Edwards, (and some reports have mentioned Chelsea Clinton) will be on hand. For more information on Generation Engage, please visit their website:

Well, I am hosting a Progressive Secular Feminist Environmental Godless Passover so I cannot make it, but YOU go!!

posted by Bora Zivkovic @ 11:21 PM | permalink | (0 comments) | Post a Comment | permalink