Thursday, February 24, 2005

Chapel Hill Bloggers MeetUp and Second Call for The Tar Heel Tavern

We had a wonderful Chapel Hill Blogger MeetUp earlier tonight. Great foccacia and green gunpowder tea! I learned a lot about the way Google works and...well, I am sure Anton and Co. will be able to explain the technical stuff better on their own blogs.

I think I can make it to the Raleigh/Cary and/or Chapel Hill MeetUp next week, too. Hopefully, we will find a place with wi-fi so we can do a teach-in where techno-wizards get to teach us blog-idiots how to fix our templates, get RSS, protect from comment-spam etc. I also hope someone like Henry can come by and tell us about various ways that a small blogger can use to earn a little bit of money, e.g., putting a PayPal tip-jar, Amazon ads, blogads, etc. (and perhaps the techies can help us install that kind of stuff on the spot).

We talked about Carnivals for a while and I used the opportunity to encourage people to write and submit new posts, or submit old but good posts that are not-too-political and have somewhat local flavor to the first Tar Heel Tavern. We also need to line up a few hosts for the future editions. This is an opportunity to get exposure and new readers.

For more information, see here:

posted by Bora Zivkovic @ 2:56 AM | permalink | (0 comments) | Post a Comment | permalink